Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sand painting Of Obama


  1. This is fucking stupid, I can't believe they're idolizing the president as if he's going to change anything... Doesn't matter WHO's in office, the federal banks will just buy out the senate and whoever's in office to do what they want... Get a fucking clue people.

  2. The fact that they are doing this before he even does anything good as president should tell you something...

  3. God forbid people should actually have a little hope!

  4. yea i hate how everyone is being a pessimist about it, shut the fuck up and wait, and if it does turn out bad, then it's not like we can do anything, but if change does occur then you'll just be eating your words.

  5. Well heres the thing.. he shouldnt have been voted in to office to begin with. Had the American people with all of their infinite wisdom, had they been paying attention they would have noticed the fact that Congress (which is Democratically controlled) has been breaking records. They are doing the worst job they have ever done within the past thirty years. The housing crisis, the fall of the banks, both issues fall on to the shoulders of the Dem's. They forced banks to lend to all minorities and in exchange, they got to run rampid with it, gouging whoever they crossed. The Republicans tried stopping this in 2005 up until this took place. Obama's a fluke at best. I mean what do you expect? Guy was only in the Senate for four years in which he spent two of those years campaigning. I'm sure if we traveled around the Wal Marts around the world we could find a mop boy with a decent vocabulary and SOME decent grammar but that doesnt exactly make him fit to become CEO now does it? We are a nation of morons. Whatever the boob tube tells us to do, the rest of the world can rest assured that we are doing it.

  6. Hey, how about you guys shut the hell up and appreciate the art.

  7. I love how everyone pretends to be an authority on politics. It's art. It's a picture of art. Stop pontificating as if you know what you're talking about.

  8. This is no longer about art... It's obvious that most of you are expecting there to be "change" when in reality, every president after the next is going to be kicked out after 8 years by either one guy or the other(in this case McCain and Obama). So Ok, Obama has won by a landslide because he's Black and McCain won his votes because he was White.. It DOESN'T MATTER. If you put Hitler into office of the United States, NOTHING WOULD CHANGE only the fact that JP. MORGAN and Rockefeller are controlling congress and whoever is in office as President of the United States.

    I'm no fucking "expert" in politics, yet I don't have to be to see what's really going on with our country.. And I don't give a FUCK if this is about art, I just hope that I can let more and more people know wherever I go, that there is something EXTREMELY fucked up about our nation and we have to do something about it..

    I won't explain everything into detail myself.. because I will be sitting here typing for a few hours.


    If you don't watch this, you deserve to be enslaved.

    And as a side-note, I don't have anything against Obama, I just think it's absolutely RIDICULOUS that everyone is getting hard over a puppet.

  9. hmmm. So these people were paid to make this? Another example of pointless spending. Why not use that area to build a profitable business, or low income housing, or something. Just another example of how American people are retarded and don't practice what they preach. And who gives a f*ck about art; art won't help our economy.

  10. The libs are already trying to find a spot for his monument in Washington, and he hasn't done a damn thing. I think they should really make this an accurate portrait and have Pelosi’s hand hanging over his head like the puppet master she is with Obama.
